
  1. 2022.03.21 기술이전, 라이선스 계약 분쟁 – 대상 특허권의 무효 확정 시 장래 로열티 지급의무 부정 BUT 특허무효 확정 전 이미 지급한 로열티의 반환의무 부정 + 무효확정 전 미지급 로열티에 대한 청구..
  2. 2020.05.19 계약상 특허권리 이전한 양도인의 특허출원 – 무권리출원, 특허무효: 대법원 2020. 5. 14. 선고 2020후10087 판결
  3. 2020.03.16 기술이전, 특허실시허락 라이센스 계약서에 포함된 Licensee의 특허유효성 도전 제한, 부쟁의무 계약조항의 쟁점, 효력 관련 미국판결, 국내판결 요지 및 영문 계약조항 샘플
  4. 2019.06.04 국제계약, 영문계약, 특허실시, 영업비밀, 기술이전 라이선스 계약서에서 계약종료, 계약해지, TERMINATION 영문조항 샘플
  5. 2019.06.04 국제계약, 영문계약, 특허실시, 영업비밀, 기술이전 라이선스 계약서에서 기술지원 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 조항 샘플
  6. 2019.05.31 특허기술, 영업비밀 실시허락, 기술이전, 라이선스 영문계약서에서 진술 및 보증조항 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 샘플
  7. 2019.05.31 특허 전용실시권 허여계약의 특약사항 등록 여부와 특약위반 실시행위의 특허침해책임 관계 – 특약사항 미등록 및 전용실시권자의 특약위반 실시행위 - 특허권침해책임 불인정: 대법원 2013...
  8. 2019.05.29 특허실시, 기술이전, 공동연구개발, 라이선스 등 국제계약에서 분쟁해결수단 중재조항 관련된 분쟁사례 및 실무적 포인트 몇 가지
  9. 2019.05.28 특허실시, 영업비밀, 기술이전 라이선스 및 생산공급 계약서에서 LICENSE GRANT 계약조항 샘플
  10. 2019.05.20 기술이전, 특허 라이선스 계약서에서 진술 및 보증조항 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 계약조항 샘플



1. 사안의 개요

(1) 특허권자 Licensor 원고 vs licensee 피고 사이 20116월경 구두로 원고는 피고에게 이 사건 발명에 관한 통상실시권을 허락하고, 피고는 원고에게 실시료로 월 650만 원을 지급한다.”는 이 사건 약정 체결


(2) 라이센시 피고가 2014. 3. 1.부터 실시료 지급을 지체하여 특허권자 원고는 2014. 5. 21. 이 사건 약정을 해지


(3) 그런데, 대상 특허권이 무효로 확정된 상황 해당 실시료의 지급의무 분쟁 발생


2. 쟁점 및 판결요지

특허발명 실시계약이 체결된 이후에 계약의 대상이 된 특허가 진보성이 없다는 이유로 무효로 확정된 사안에서, 위 실시계약이 원시적 불능이라고 할 수 없으므로

(1) 특허권자는 특허무효 확정 전 이미 지급받은 특허실시료를 특허무효 확정 후 반환할 의무가 없다(대법원 201242666, 42673 판결), 또한

(2) 특허권자는 특허무효 확정 이전 지급해야 할 특허실시료 중 미지급된 특허실시료의 지급을 구할 수 있다(대법원 2018287362 판결).


3. 대법원 판결이유

특허가 무효로 확정되면 특허권은 특허법 제133조 제1항 제4호의 경우를 제외하고는 처음부터 없었던 것으로 간주된다(특허법 제133조 제3). 그러나 특허발명 실시계약이 체결된 이후에 계약의 대상인 특허권이 무효로 확정된 경우 특허발명 실시계약이 계약 체결 시부터 무효로 되는지는 특허권의 효력과는 별개로 판단하여야 한다.


특허발명 실시계약을 체결하면 특허권자는 실시권자의 특허발명 실시에 대하여 특허권 침해로 인한 손해배상이나 그 금지 등을 청구할 수 없고, 특허가 무효로 확정되기 전에는 특허권의 독점적ㆍ배타적 효력에 따라 제3자의 특허발명 실시가 금지된다. 이러한 점에 비추어 특허발명 실시계약의 목적이 된 특허발명의 실시가 불가능한 경우가 아니라면 특허 무효의 소급효에도 불구하고 그와 같은 특허를 대상으로 하여 체결된 특허발명 실시계약이 그 계약의 체결 당시부터 원시적으로 이행불능 상태에 있었다고 볼 수는 없고, 다만 특허 무효가 확정되면 그때부터 특허발명 실시계약은 이행불능 상태에 빠지게 된다고 보아야 한다(대법원 2014. 11. 13. 선고 201242666, 42673 판결 등 참조).


따라서 특허발명 실시계약 체결 이후에 특허가 무효로 확정되었더라도 특허발명 실시계약이 원시적으로 이행불능 상태에 있었다거나 그 밖에 특허발명 실시계약 자체에 별도의 무효사유가 없는 한, 특허권자는 원칙적으로 특허발명 실시계약이 유효하게 존재하는 기간 동안 실시료의 지급을 청구할 수 있다.


KASAN_기술이전, 라이선스 계약 분쟁 – 대상 특허권의 무효 확정 시 장래 로열티 지급의무 부정 BUT 특허무효 확정 전 이미 지급한 로열티의 반환의무 부정 무효확정 전 미지급 로열티에 대.pdf


[​질문 또는 상담신청 입력하기]



작성일시 : 2022. 3. 21. 11:30

1. 사안의 개요


이 사건 특허발명에 관한 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리가 이 사건 제1, 2계약에 따라 발명자(회사의 직원)회사피고를 거쳐 피고보조참가인에게 최종적으로 이전되었는데, 회사는 회사 명의로 이 사건 특허발명을 출원하여 2016. 12. 16. 특허등록을 받고, 그 후 원고에게 특허권을 이전해 준 사안임


2. 대법원 판결요지


특허출원 전에 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리를 계약에 따라 이전한 양도인(회사)은 더 이상 그 권리의 귀속주체가 아니므로 그러한 양도인(회사)이 한 특허출원에 대하여 설정등록이 이루어진 특허권은 특허무효사유에 해당하는 무권리자의 특허이고, 특허법 제38조 제1항에서 말하는 제3자는 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리에 관하여 승계인의 지위와 양립할 수 없는 법률상 지위를 취득한 사람에 한하므로 무권리자의 특허로서 특허무효사유가 있는 특허권을 이전받은 원고는 특허법 제38조 제1항에서 말하는 제3자에 해당하지 않는다.


3. 대법원 법리 판시 부분


발명을 한 사람 또는 그 승계인은 특허법에서 정하는 바에 따라 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리를 가진다(특허법 제33조 제1항 본문). 만일 이러한 정당한 권리자 아닌 사람(이하 무권리자라 한다)이 한 특허출원에 대하여 특허권의 설정등록이 이루어지면 특허무효사유에 해당한다(특허법 제133조 제1항 제2). 특허출원 전에 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리를 계약에 따라 이전한 양도인은 더 이상 그 권리의 귀속주체가 아니므로 그러한 양도인이 한 특허출원에 대하여 설정등록이 이루어진 특허권은 특허무효사유에 해당하는 무권리자의 특허이다.


특허출원 전에 이루어진 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리의 승계는 그 승계인이 특허출원을 하여야 제3자에게 대항할 수 있다(특허법 제38조 제1). 여기서 제3자는 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리에 관하여 승계인의 지위와 양립할 수 없는 법률상 지위를 취득한 사람에 한한다. 무권리자의 특허로서 특허무효사유가 있는 특허권을 이전받은 양수인은 특허법 제38조 제1항에서 말하는 제3자에 해당하지 않는다.


첨부: 대법원 2020. 5. 14. 선고 202010087 판결


KASAN_계약상 특허권리 이전한 양도인의 특허출원 – 무권리출원, 특허무효 대법원 2020. 5. 14. 선고 2020후10087 판결.pdf

대법원 2020. 5. 14. 선고 2020후10087 판결.pdf


[​질문 또는 상담신청 입력하기]



작성일시 : 2020. 5. 19. 17:52



특허발명의 실시허락, 기술이전 라이선스를 체결하면서 계약서에서 Licensee에 대해 대상특허의 무효도전(patent challenge)을 할 수 없다는 명시적 조항을 둔 경우 Licensee가 무효주장을 할 수 있는지 문제됩니다. Licensee에게 대상 특허의 유효성에 대해 다투지 않을 의무를 계약으로 강제할 수 있는지 여부가 쟁점입니다.


원칙적으로 licensee 입장에서 대상특허의 무효도전을 하는 것은 허용됩니다. 미국연방대법원 Lear v. Adkins (1969) 판결에서 “a licensee cannot be estopped from challenging the validity of a patent merely because it benefitted from the license agreement.”라고 명시적으로 라이센시의 특허도전을 허용하였습니다.


그러나, 라이선스 계약위반으로 이미 성립된 계약위반 책임을 회피하기 위해 사후적으로 제기하는 특허무효 주장은 허용되지 않는다는 것이 미국법원 판결입니다. Studiengesellshaft Kohle v. Shell Oil (CAFC 1997) 판결: Lear does not apply where a licensee seeks to avoid contractual obligations already owed at the time of the suit. It "must prevent the injustice of allowing a licensee to exploit the protection of the contract and patent rights and then later to abandon conveniently its obligations under those same rights."


Licensee Neurocrine의 계약위반책임 항변으로 계약대상특허의 무효 주장을 배척한 판결


미국법원은 sublicense 허용조건으로 licensor의 사전 동의를 받도록 한 계약조항을 위반한 행위에 대한 손해배상을 구하는 범위 내에서 licensee의 특허무효 항변이 허용되지 않는다고 판결하였습니다.


다만, 사안을 구별하여, 특허권자가 특허기술사용에 대한 장래 royalty를 청구하는 경우는 licensee의 특허무효 항변이 허용될 수 있다는 취지의 판결입니다. 이 부분에 대한 라이선스 계약위반 사항은 없기 때문입니다.


라이센스 계약을 준수하면서 대상특허 무효도전은 허용됨 MedImmune 판결


미연방대법원은 MedImmune 판결에서 Licensee는 계약상 로열티를 계속 지불하면서도 특허무효 확인 소송을 제기할 수 있다고 판결하였습니다. 라이센스 계약에 위배하여 로열티의 지급을 중지하는 경우, 특허권자로부터 제소당하여 침해에 대한 고의가 인정되면 3배까지 배상금을 지불하여야 할 위험이 있으므로 해당 특허의 무효를 확신하여도 마지못해 로열티를 지불하게 된다면 실제의 분쟁이 발생한 것이라고 볼 수 있다고 보았습니다.


우리 공정위의 특허라이선스 계약 관련 심사지침 - ‘무효인 특허의 존속 등을 위하여 부당하게 실시권자가 관련 특허의 효력을 다투는 것을 금지하는 행위는 공정거래법 위반 소지 있음, 해당 계약조항의 효력 불인정 소지 있음, 해당 사안에 대한 판결 없음


대법원 2019. 2. 21. 선고 20172819 전원합의체 판결: 실시권자 Licensee의 특허권자 Licensor 상대로 대상특허에 대한 무효심판청구 가능 - 특허무효의 경우 계약상 실시료 Royalty 지급의무 범위 소멸:


특허권의 실시권자에게는 실시료 지급이나 실시 범위 등 여러 제한 사항이 부가되는 것이 일반적이므로, 실시권자는 무효심판을 통해 특허에 대한 무효심결을 받음으로써 이러한 제약에서 벗어날 수 있다.


그리고 특허에 무효사유가 존재하더라도 그에 대한 무효심결이 확정되기까지는 그 특허권은 유효하게 존속하고 함부로 그 존재를 부정할 수 없으며, 무효심판을 청구하더라도 무효심결이 확정되기까지는 상당한 시간과 비용이 소요된다.


이러한 이유로 특허권에 대한 실시권을 설정받지 않고 실시하고 싶은 사람이라도 우선 특허권자로부터 실시권을 설정받아 특허발명을 실시하고 그 무효 여부에 대한 다툼을 추후로 미루어 둘 수 있으므로, 실시권을 설정받았다는 이유로 특허의 무효 여부를 다투지 않겠다는 의사를 표시하였다고 단정할 수도 없다.”


Licensor 이익을 위한 부쟁조항 예문 Example

라이센시의 특별한 상황에서는 인정한 미연방대법원 MedImmune 판결이 나온지벌써 10년이 지났습니다. 현재에도 Licensee의 부쟁의무 조항에 대해 정답을 명확하게 말할 수 없을 정도로 매우 어려운 쟁점사항(issue)입니다. 미국 블로그에서 라이선스 실무자에게 참고자료로 도움될 것 같은 계약문구 examples을 간략하게 인용합니다.


Examples of Patent Challenge Definition Clause

Example 1: “if licensee or its affiliate under a license commences an action in which it challenges the validity, enforceability or scope of any of the patent rights under, then [a remedy will be triggered, such as termination of the license, doubling of the royalty rate, or some other event].”

Example 2: “in the event any licensee (or sublicensee or any entity or person acting on its behalf) initiates any proceeding or otherwise asserts any claim challenging the validity or enforceability of any licensed patent right in any court, administrative agency or other forum, then [a remedy will be triggered].”

Example 3: “any legal or administrative challenge to the validity, patentability, enforceability and/or non-infringement of any of the licensed patent or otherwise opposing the licensed patent.”

Examples of Licensor’s Remedies

Right to Terminate the License

Increase in Royalty Rates

Liquidated Damages

Reimbursement of Legal Fees


KASAN_기술이전, 특허실시허락 라이센스 계약서에 포함된 Licensee의 특허유효성 도전 제한, 부쟁의무 계약조항의 쟁점, 효력 관련 미국판결, 국내판결 요지 및 영문 계약조항 샘플.pdf


[​질문 또는 상담신청 입력하기]




작성일시 : 2020. 3. 16. 11:50




17.1 Termination Prior to the Closing Date.

This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing Date (with respect to Sections 17.1(b) and 17.1(c) below, by written notice by the terminating Party to the other Party): (a) by mutual written agreement of the Parties;


(b) by Licensor or Licensee, if a court of competent jurisdiction or other Governmental Authority shall have issued a non-appealable final order, decree or ruling or taken any other non-appealable final action, in each case, having the effect of permanently restraining, enjoining or otherwise prohibiting the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided, however, that the right to terminate this Agreement under this Section 17.1(b) shall not be available to any Party whose failure to fulfill any obligation under this Agreement has been the primary cause of, or materially contributed to, such action; or


(c) by Licensee, if Licensor has breached any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement of Licensor set forth in this Agreement which (i) would result in a failure of a condition set forth in Section 13.2 and (ii) is not cured within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice thereof.   


17.2 Term.

Except as provided in Section 17.1, this Agreement shall continue until the date of expiration of the Royalty Term, unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Article 17 (the “Term”).  


17.3 Termination of the Agreement After the Closing Date.  


(a) Termination by Licensee. 

Licensee may terminate this Agreement in its entirety or in part (including, for example, on a country-by-country basis) for any reason (a) upon at least ninety (90) days prior written notice to Licensor if such notice is delivered prior to the First Commercial Sale of a Licensed Product anywhere in the Territory or (b) upon at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior written notice to Licensor if such notice is delivered after the First Commercial Sale of a Licensed Product anywhere in the Territory.  In the event of any significant adverse clinical events or the termination of a Clinical Trial for safety reasons and Licensee terminates this Agreement under this Section 17.3(a), the foregoing notice periods in clauses (a) and (b) shall be reduced to forty-five (45) days and ninety (90) days, respectively.


(b) Termination for Material Breach. 

If either Party believes the other is in material breach of its obligations under this Agreement, it may give notice of such breach to the other Party, which Party shall have sixty (60) days in which to remedy such breach, or thirty (30) days in the case of material breach of any payment obligation hereunder.


Such sixty (60) day period shall be extended in the case of a breach not capable of being remedied in such sixty (60) day period so long as the breaching Party uses diligent efforts to remedy such breach and is pursuing a course of action that, if successful, will effect such a remedy; provided, however, that such cure period shall not be extended more than sixty (60) additional days. 


If such alleged breach is not remedied or is not capable of being remedied within the period set forth above, the non-breaching Party shall be entitled, without prejudice to any of its other rights conferred on it by this Agreement, and in addition to any other remedies available to it by law or in equity, to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party.  In the event of a dispute regarding any payments due and owing hereunder, all undisputed amounts shall be paid when due and the balance, if any, shall be paid promptly after settlement of the dispute including any accrued interest thereon.  


(c) Consequences of Termination. 

In the event that either Party terminates this Agreement, then as of the effective date of such termination, the following terms and conditions shall apply:


(i) Termination by Licensor for Licensee’s Material Breach. 

In the event of termination of this Agreement by Licensor pursuant to Section 17.3(b) for Licensee’s uncured material breach, and except for each Party’s rights and obligations that survive termination as set forth in Section 17.5:


(A) all licenses and rights granted by either Party under this Agreement shall terminate with the exception, subject to Section 19.1, of the license granted to Licensor by Licensee under the Licensee Inventions relating to formulations or methods of manufacturing formulations derived from the Licensed Intellectual Property pursuant to Section 9.2(c) which shall become perpetual, worldwide and fully paid; 


(B) Licensee shall pay Licensor any and all payments that have accrued prior to the effective date of such termination; 


(C) Licensee shall transfer to Licensor all materials, results, analyses, reports, websites, marketing materials, technology, know-how and other Information in whatever form received by Licensee from Licensor as of the effective date of such termination; 


(D) Licensee shall transfer to Licensor (A) all Regulatory Approvals in the Territory in effect as of the date of such termination and/or (B) any and all Information pertaining to the Development and Commercialization of the Licensed Products in the Territory, including but not limited to any and all Clinical Trial data pertaining to the Territory. 


(ii) Termination by Licensee. 

Subject to Section 17.3(c)(ii)(E), in the event of termination of this Agreement by Licensee pursuant to Section 17.3(a), and except for each Party’s rights and obligations that survive termination as set forth in Section 17.5:  


(A) all licenses and rights granted by either Party under this Agreement shall terminate, with the exception, subject to Section 19.1, of the license granted to Licensor by Licensee under the Licensee Inventions relating to formulations or methods of manufacturing formulations derived from the Licensed Intellectual Property pursuant to Section 9.2(c), which shall become worldwide, subject to Licensor’s obligations under subsection (E) below;  


(B) Licensee shall pay Licensor any and all payments that have accrued prior to the effective date of such termination; 


(C) Licensee shall transfer to Licensor all materials, results, analyses, reports, websites, marketing materials, technology, know-how and other Information in whatever form received by Licensee from Licensor as of the effective date of such termination;  


(D) Licensee shall, upon receipt of reasonable consideration from Licensor based on an actual cost basis, transfer to Licensor (A) all Regulatory Approvals in the Territory in effect as of the date of such termination and/or (B) any and all Information pertaining to the Development and Commercialization of the Licensed Products in the Territory, including but not limited to any and all Clinical Trial data pertaining to the Territory; and 


(E) in partial consideration for (A) Licensee’s costs of obtaining and maintaining such Regulatory Approvals and Commercializing Licensed Products in the Territory prior to the date of such termination, and/or (B) subject to Section 19.1, the license granted under the Licensee Inventions, Licensor shall pay to Licensee following the effective date of such termination, on a product-by-product and country-by-country basis, a commercially reasonable royalty to be negotiated in good faith by the Parties, on all sales by Licensor, its Affiliates and Sublicensees, of products that would have been Licensed Products, had they been sold by Licensee prior to the effective date of such termination. 


(iii) Termination by Licensee for Licensor’s Material Breach.  

In the event that Licensee has the right to terminate this Agreement for Licensor’s uncured material breach pursuant to Section 17.3(b), Licensee may terminate this Agreement or, in lieu of such termination, by written notice to Licensor after a determination that such breach was a material breach and was not cured before the expiration of the cure period set forth in Section 17.3(b), elect to retain all of the rights and licenses granted to Licensee hereunder for the remainder of the Term. Following such an election by Licensee:


(A) Licensee may request that damages be awarded to Licensee for Licensor’s uncured material breach by final and binding arbitration conducted in accordance with Section 19.12. In determining whether damages should be awarded to Licensee, the arbitrators shall consider the nature of Licensor’s uncured material breach and the impact of such uncured material breach on Licensee and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 


In the event that such final and binding arbitration determines that Licensee should be awarded damages, Licensee shall be entitled to deduct the amount of such damages from milestone and royalty payments to be paid to Licensor under Sections 8.2 and 8.3;


(B) the limitations applicable to Licensor’s activities as set forth in Sections 2.3(a) and 2.4 shall continue to apply; and


(C) the license granted by Licensee to Licensor under Section 9.2(c) shall terminate.    


17.4 Surviving Obligations. 

Upon termination of this Agreement, the Parties shall remain obligated to make all payments which have accrued under this Agreement prior to the date of termination, when and as they become due and payable.  In addition, the provisions in Articles 1, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 19, and Sections 2.6, 5.2, 5.7, 7.6, 8.3(h), 8.7 (with respect to payment accruing prior to the effective date of termination), 8.8, 8.9, 17.3(c), 17.4 and 17.5 of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason.  


17.5 Accrued Rights. 

Termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not relieve either Party from obligations that are expressly indicated to survive termination or expiration of the Agreement.  Termination by a Party shall not be an exclusive remedy and all other remedies will be available to the terminating Party, in equity and at law.


KASAN_국제계약, 영문계약, 특허실시, 영업비밀, 기술이전 라이선스 계약서에서 계약종료, 계약해지, TERMINATION 영문조항 샘플.pdf


[질문 또는 상담신청 입력하기]



작성일시 : 2019. 6. 4. 13:00





           (a) Licensor shall furnish to Licensee, in accordance with the time schedule to be agreed upon between the Parties, one (1) set of hard copies of the Technical Documentation. If Licensee discovers that any of the documents are missing or illegible or damaged, Licensee shall inform Licensor in writing and Licensor shall make such documents available for Licensee within twenty (20) days of receiving such notice.


           (b) The foregoing Technical Documentation to be furnished under paragraph 2.1 (a) above shall be delivered to Licensee and shall be the latest version as of the time it is delivered or sent.


           (c) Licensee shall pay Licensor for any additional copies of the Technical Documentation requested by Licensee at the rates agreed upon in writing by both Parties prior to sending.


           (d) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require that Licensor furnish Licensee with any technical information on any products other than Licensed Product or any technical information which may not be furnished because of a government contract, act, regulation or restriction or the proprietary interest of a third party.


           (e) Errors in Technical Documentation. Each Party shall promptly advise the other of any significant error it may discover in the Technical Documentation. In that event, Licensor shall correct any error in the Technical Documentation and shall furnish such corrected Technical Documentation to Licensee without charge.


(f) Strict Compliance with Technical Documentation. In order to maintain the quality of the Licensed Products manufactured and assembled by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement, Licensee shall manufacture and/or assemble the Licensed Products in strict accordance with the standards and specifications stated in the Technical Documentation provided by Licensor and as otherwise specified by Licensor. Licensee shall exercise the utmost care in the selection of the materials and parts to be used and incorporated into the Licensed Products.



Licensor shall provide reasonable assistance in the use of the Technical Documentation to the extent such assistance is reasonably necessary for Licensee to make use of the Technical Documentation to manufacture the Licensed Product. Such assistance may include, but will not be limited to, technical assistance, training, testing and limited application engineering services.


- 라이센서의 조력의무를 선언적으로 규정한 조항임. 제조에 필요한 기술정보 활용을 가능케 하도록 조력의무를 규정하고 있어 상당히 포괄적임.

- 이하에서 구제적인 비용을 규정할 경우 라이센서의 수입원이 되지만, 그렇지 않을 경우 부담조항이 될 수 있음.



      (a) At the request of Licensee, Licensor shall, at times agreed upon by the Parties, dispatch its engineers to Licensee to provide technical assistance on matters concerning the use of the Technical Documentation during the Technical Cooperation Period. All costs and expenses of such Licensor's personnel dispatched to Licensee shall be borne, or reimbursed to Licensor, by Licensee and shall include:

            (i)   round trip economic air fare between Korea and China;

            (ii)  suitable accommodations, meals, traveling and transportation expenses in China and other reasonable charges in connection with the performance of their duties hereunder;

            (iii) wage and daily allowance, payable to Licensor, on its demand, amounting to U$500 per Man Day for Licensor's personnel;


      (b) Licensee shall take appropriate steps necessary to protect and ensure the safety of Licensor's personnel and their property, including without limitation, against war, war-like operation, terror, revolution, civil commotion, catastrophe and acts of public enemies. Licensor reserves the right to  instruct any or all of its dispatched personnel to return to Korea, or such other place as it may designate, at Licensee's expense  when, in Licensor's sole judgment , one of the above-mentioned situations arises which may endanger the safety and well-being of such personnel.

- 기술자 파견에 따른 안전보장은 실시자 부담임


      (c) Licensee is responsible for obtaining any permits or authorizations required for Licensor's personnel to enter China to provide services hereunder, and to bring any related materials required by Licensor.

- 기술자 파견에 따른 출입국 보장은 실시자 부담


    (d) The number of such personnel, the period of their stay at Licensee's plant and other terms and conditions not set forth herein shall be agreed upon between the Parties on a case by case basis.



At the request of Licensee, Licensor will, during the Technical Cooperation Period, provide training on the use of the Technical Documentation for Licensee's employees (the "Trainees") at Licensor's place or other places designated by Licensor, subject to the following terms and conditions:

      (i) Licensor and Licensee shall agree on the most efficient training program for the Trainees;

      (ii) Licensee shall bear all the cost and expenses relating to the Trainees, including but not limited to their salaries, round trip airfare between China and Korea, lodgings and meals of Trainees in Korea, transportation and insurance;

      (iii) Licensor shall provide working lunches for the trainees during working days and transportation for the trainees between dormitory and training site.

      (iv) Licensee shall pay to Licensor as training fee, payable upon demand, US$300 per Trainee per day, as the compensation of training services provided by Licensor;

      (v) Licensee shall instruct the Trainees to observe and abide by all rules and regulations of Licensor and the laws of Korea during their training period;

      (vi) All Trainees shall be insured at the expense of Licensee by an internationally recognized accident compensation insurance during the entire training period between their departure from and return to China;

      (vii) Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless Licensor against any loss, damage, claim, liabilities, cost or expense arising out of any act of a Trainee or any injury or death of the Trainee or any damage to his/her property.



Pursuant to the terms of a purchase order, sale agreement or other document to be separately agreed by the Parties or Licensee and Delphi, Licensor will support the necessary manufacturing Part Production Approval Process validation tests for the Licensed Products.



Before distribution and sale of any of the Licensed Product manufactured or assembled hereunder, Licensee shall submit, at its expense, samples of the Licensed Product for approval by Licensor. Licensor shall promptly conduct appropriate tests on such samples and advise Licensee of the results thereof. The costs of any tests on the samples shall be responsibility of Licensee, and Licensor shall advise Licensee of the test fees in advance.


KASAN_국제계약, 영문계약, 특허실시, 영업비밀, 기술이전 라이선스 계약서에서 기술지원 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 조항 샘플.pdf


[질문 또는 상담신청 입력하기]



작성일시 : 2019. 6. 4. 08:47


11.1 The Parties ’Representations and Warranties.

Each Party hereby represents, warrants and covenants to the other Party, as of the Effective Date (or as of the Closing Date in the case of Section 11.1(h)), that:

(a) such Party (i) is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of its jurisdiction of organization, and (ii) has full power and authority and the legal right to own and operate its property and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted and as it is contemplated to be conducted by this Agreement;


(b) such Party has sufficient legal and/or beneficial title under its intellectual property rights necessary for the purposes contemplated under this Agreement and to grant the licenses contained in this Agreement;


(c) such Party is not aware of any pending or threatened litigation, nor has it received any notice of claim, alleging that it has violated or would violate, through the manufacture, import and/or sale of Licensed Products hereunder, or by conducting its obligations as currently proposed under this Agreement, any intellectual property or other rights of any Third Party;


(d) to such Party’s knowledge, all of its employees, officers, independent contractors, consultants and agents have executed agreements requiring assignment to such Party of all inventions made during the course of and as a result of their association with such Party and obligating the individual to maintain as confidential the Confidential Information of such Party;


(e) such Party has the power, authority and legal right, and is free to enter into this Agreement and, in so doing, will not violate any other agreement to which such Party is a party as of the Effective Date and such Party has maintained and will maintain and keep in full force and effect all agreements and regulatory filings necessary to perform its obligations under the Agreement and, during the Term, such Party shall not enter into any agreement with a Third Party that will conflict with the rights granted to the other Party under this Agreement;


(f) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of such Party and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of such Party and is enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to the effects of bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws of general application affecting the enforcement of creditor rights and judicial principles affecting the availability of specific performance and general principles of equity;


(g) such Party has taken all corporate action necessary to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement;


(h) such Party has obtained all consents, approvals and authorizations of all Regulatory Authorities and other Third Parties reasonably deemed necessary by such Party to be obtained in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of its obligations hereunder;


(i) the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of such Party’s obligations hereunder: (i) do not conflict with or violate any provision of the certificate of incorporation, bylaws, limited partnership agreement or any similar instrument of such Party, as applicable, in any material way; (ii) to such Party’s knowledge, do not conflict with, violate or breach or constitute a default or require any consent under any indenture, mortgage, contract or instrument to which it is party or by which it is bound; and (iii) to such Party’s knowledge, do not conflict with, violate, or breach or constitute a default or require any consent under, any requirement of Applicable Laws or court or administrative order by which such Party is bound;


(j) except in connection with or related to the settlement between Licensee A and the United States Department of Justice, announced on September 1, 2010, neither such Party, nor any of such Party’s employees, officers, independent contractors, consultants or agents who will render services relating to Licensed Products: (i) has ever been debarred or is subject to debarment or convicted of a crime for which an entity or person could be debarred under 21 U.S.C. Section 335a; or (ii) has ever been under indictment for a crime for which a person or entity could be debarred under said Section 335a. If during the Term a Party has reason to believe that it or any of its employees, officers, independent contractors, consultants or agents rendering services relating to Licensed Products: (x) is or will be debarred or convicted of a crime under 21 U.S.C. Section 335a; or (y) is or will be under indictment under said Section 335a, then such Party shall immediately notify the other Party of same in writing; and


(k) such Party currently has no research or development project, or agreement with any Third Party, that, in such Party’s reasonable scientific or business judgement, (i) requires or is likely to require changes to the Development Plan attached hereto as Exhibit 4.1, or (ii) is likely to interfere with such Party’s ability to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement.


11.2 Representations and Warranties of Licensor M.

Licensor M hereby represents, and warrants and covenants to Licensee A, as of the Effective Date, that:

(a) Licensor M is the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title and interest, in, to and under the Licensed Intellectual Property in the Territory;


(b) M is the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title and interest, in, to under the Licensed Intellectual Property necessary or useful in the Manufacture of Licensed Products;


(c) M has sufficient rights to grant the rights and licenses granted herein, free and clear of any security interests, claims, encumbrances or charges of any kind that would conflict in any material respect with the rights and licenses granted hereunder;


(d) M has not assigned or granted to any Third Party any rights under the Licensed Intellectual Property that cover Licensed Products in the Territory except as granted to independent contractors in the ordinary course of business in connection with M's research, Development and Manufacturing of Licensed Products, and consistent with the terms and intent of this Agreement;


(e) (i) M has not received any written notice from any Third Party asserting or alleging that any Development, Manufacturing, or Commercialization of the Licensed Products has infringed or misappropriated any Patent or intellectual property right of such Third Party, (ii) to the knowledge of M, the manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale or importation of Licensed Products in the Territory has not infringed and, as of the Effective Date, will not infringe, any Patent of any Third Party or misappropriate any technology of any Third Party, and (iii) there are no pending, and, to the knowledge of M, no threatened, adverse actions, suits, arbitrations, litigations, or proceedings of any nature, civil, criminal, regulatory or otherwise, in law or in equity, against M or any of its Affiliates alleging that the Development, Manufacture, Commercialization or other exploitation of Licensed Products has infringed any Patent, or misappropriated any intellectual property right of any Third Party;


(f) to Licensor M’s knowledge, the issued Patents within the M Patent Rights in the Territory are valid and enforceable;


(g) all applicable maintenance and renewal fees with respect to the M Patent Rights in the Territory have been paid and all documents, and certificates required to be filed for the purpose of maintaining such M Patent Rights have been filed;


(h) to Licensor M’s knowledge, no Third Party has asserted that any Licensed Intellectual Property is invalid or not enforceable;


(i) (i) other than as disclosed by M in writing to A prior to the Effective Date, none of the M Patent Rights, were developed with federal or state funding from any Governmental Authority, (ii) no Governmental Authority has any march in rights or other rights to use the Licensed Intellectual Property in the Territory, and (iii) neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor the performance hereof by M will result in the breach of, or give rise to, any right of termination, rescission, renegotiation or acceleration under, or trigger any other rights under, any agreement or contract to which M is a party, or to which it may be subject, that relates to the Licensed Products;


(j) no written communication has been received by M from any Third Party that alleges, and there is no pending litigation that alleges, that (i) any issued M Patent is invalid or unenforceable as of the Effective Date, or (ii) any patent application included in the M Patents, if issued, would be, invalid or unenforceable;


(k) to the knowledge of Licensor M, no Third Party (i) is infringing any M Patent Rights or has misappropriated any M Know-How, or (ii) has challenged the ownership, scope, duration, validity, enforceability, priority or right to use any M Patent Rights (including, by way of example, through the institution of or written threat of institution of interference, re-examination, review, supplemental examination, derivation proceeding, protest, opposition, nullity or similar invalidity proceeding before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or any analogous foreign entity) or any M Know-How;


(l) the Licensed Intellectual Property licensed to Licensee A hereunder constitutes all of the intellectual property rights Controlled by M that are necessary for A to Commercialize Licensed Products in the Territory;


(m) to Licensor M’s knowledge, M has complied in all material respects with all Applicable Laws in the prosecution and maintenance of the M Patent Rights in the Territory;


(n) all of Licensor M’s and its Affiliates’ employees, officers, and consultants/contractors involved in the research, Manufacture or Development of Licensed Products are and have been obligated to assign to M or such Affiliate, as the case may be, all Inventions claimed in the M Patent Rights and to maintain as confidential the Confidential Information of M or such Affiliate, as applicable; and


(o) all inventors of any Inventions included within the M Patent Rights and M Know-How have assigned their entire right, title, and interest in and to such Inventions and the corresponding Patents and Information to M and have been listed in the M Patent Rights as inventors.


KASAN_특허기술, 영업비밀 실시허락, 기술이전, 라이선스 영문계약서에서 진술 및 보증조항 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 샘플.pdf


[질문 또는 상담신청 입력하기]




작성일시 : 2019. 5. 31. 16:00


1. 특허권에 대한 전용실시계약 체결, 특약사항 및 등록 상황

특허권자 회사로부터 공기정화제특허발명의 등록 특허권에 대하여 전용실시권을 설정받으면서 특허권자 회사에 대해 귀사의 승낙 없이 특허를 임의대로 사용하지 않겠다는 사전승낙 조건을 추가하였습니다. 그 후 라이센시는 특허등록원부에 전용실시권 등록을 마쳤지만, 위 계약상 제한사항을 특허등록원부에 등록하지 않았습니다.


2. 실시권자 라이센시의 계약상 특약조항 위반

실시권자는 특허권자의 승낙 없이 임의대로 특허권을 실시하였고, 특허권자는 전용실시권 설정 계약위반, 전용실시권 설정계약범위 외의 실시행위로 특허권침해에 해당한다고 주장하면서 실시권자 라이센시를 형사고소하였습니다.


3. 특허법 규정

특허법 제100(전용실시권) 특허권자는 그 특허권에 대하여 타인에게 전용실시권을 설정할 수 있다. 전용실시권을 설정받은 전용실시권자는 그 설정행위로 정한 범위에서 그 특허발명을 업으로서 실시할 권리를 독점한다.


특허법 101(특허권 및 전용실시권의 등록의 효력) 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 사항은 등록하여야만 효력이 발생한다.

1. 특허권의 이전(상속이나 그 밖의 일반승계에 의한 경우는 제외한다), 포기에 의한 소멸 또는 처분의 제한

2. 전용실시권의 설정·이전(상속이나 그 밖의 일반승계에 의한 경우는 제외한다변경·소멸(혼동에 의한 경우는 제외한다) 또는 처분의 제한

3. 특허권 또는 전용실시권을 목적으로 하는 질권의 설정·이전(상속이나 그 밖의 일반승계에 의한 경우는 제외한다변경·소멸(혼동에 의한 경우는 제외한다) 또는 처분의 제한


4. 법원판단 특허침해 불성립

법원은 전용실시권 설정계약상의 제한사항을 등록하지 않은 경우, 그 제한을 위반하여 특허발명을 실시한 전용실시권자에게 특허법 위반죄가 성립하지 않는다고 판결하였습니다. 법원은 실시권자의 전용실시권 설정계약을 위반한 계약상 민사책임은 인정될 수 있지만, 등록되지 않는 특약사항으로 전용실시권자의 실시권한을 제한할 수 없다는 입장에서 전용실시권자의 특허실시행위는 특허권 침해에 해당하지 않는다고 명확하게 판결하였습니다.


5. 대법원 2013. 1. 24. 선고 20114645 판결 요지

특허법 제101조 제1항은 다음 각 호에 해당하는 사항은 이를 등록하지 아니하면 그 효력이 발생하지 아니한다.”고 하면서, 2호에 전용실시권의 설정·이전(상속 기타 일반승계에 의한 경우를 제외한다변경·소멸(혼동에 의한 경우를 제외한다) 또는 처분의 제한을 규정하고 있다.


따라서 설정계약으로 전용실시권의 범위에 관하여 특별한 제한을 두고도 이를 등록하지 않으면 그 효력이 발생하지 않는 것이므로, 전용실시권자가 등록되어 있지 않은 제한을 넘어 특허발명을 실시하더라도, 특허권자에 대하여 채무불이행 책임을 지게 됨은 별론으로 하고 특허권 침해가 성립하는 것은 아니다.


6. 등록주의 여부에 따른 구별

대법원 판결은 전용실시권이 그 설정등록으로 발생, 소멸, 변경된다는 등록주의에 따른 것입니다. 그 기초인 전용실시권 설정계약 위반을 이유로 그 계약이 해지되었는지 여부와는 명확하게 구별하였습니다.


그런데, 미국 특허법과 우리나라 특허법은 전용실시권의 발생 및 소멸에 대해 다른 입장을 취하고 있습니다. 따라서, 실시권자 라이선시의 실시권 설정 계약위반 사안에 대해 특허침해 책임여부에 관해서도 서로 다른 결론에 도달할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 미국사안과 같이 전용실시권자의 라이선스 계약위반행위가 있더라도 유효한 전용실시권 등록이 존속하고 있는 한 licensee의 계약위반에 따른 책임은 별론으로 하더라도 적어도 특허침해는 성립하지 않습니다. 반면, 미국법원은 계약위반책임과 별개로 특허침해도 가능하다는 취지입니다.


KASAN_특허 전용실시권 허여계약의 특약사항 등록 여부와 특약위반 실시행위의 특허침해책임 관계 – 특약사항 미등록 및 전용실시권자의 특약위반 실시행위 - 특허권침해책임 불인정 대법.pdf


[질문 또는 상담신청 입력하기]



작성일시 : 2019. 5. 31. 11:30



KASAN_특허실시, 기술이전, 공동연구개발, 라이선스 등 국제계약에서 분쟁해결수단 중재조항 관련된 분쟁사례 및 실무적 포인트 몇 가지.pdf


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작성일시 : 2019. 5. 29. 16:01




2.1 License Grant to A. 

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensor M hereby grants to Licensee A an exclusive (even as to M and its Affiliates), royalty-bearing license, with the right to grant sublicenses through multiple tiers (subject to Section 2.2), under the M Know-How and M Patent Rights, to Develop, manufacture, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export and otherwise Commercialize Licensed Products in the Territory subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.  The foregoing license includes the right to have any of the foregoing performed pursuant to Section 2.2.


2.2 Sublicense and Subcontracting Rights. 

Licensee A shall require A’s Sublicensees to agree in writing to be bound by all of the applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement. A’s grant of any sublicense shall not relieve A from any of A’s obligations under this Agreement, and A shall remain jointly and severally liable for any uncured breach of a sublicense by a Sublicensee of A to the extent that such uncured breach would constitute a breach of this Agreement. A shall have the right to retain a Third Party contractor to perform any activity in connection with A’s exercise of any of its rights granted under Section 2.1, where such activity is to be performed at the direction and control and for the sole benefit of A or its Affiliates. A shall ensure that any and all activities performed by the Third Party contractor comply in all respects with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and shall remain primarily liable for all such activities of the Third Party contractor. Such retention of the Third Party contractor is not a sublicense within the meaning of this Section 2.2 but is considered an activity of A under the license granted in Section 2.1. 


2.3 Certain Restrictions.  

(a) Except as otherwise expressly provided in Section 2.4, Licensor M agrees that it shall not, and will cause its Affiliates to not, offer to sell, license or otherwise provide any rights, including for example distribution rights, to Licensed Products, or under M Patent Rights or M Know How, to any Third Party if M or its relevant Affiliates, knows, or has a reason to believe (i) that such Licensed Product would be sold or transferred into the Territory; or (ii) that M Patent Rights or M Know How would be used, directly or indirectly, to manufacture, develop or commercialize a Licensed Product, or any product that would be reasonably expected to compete with a Licensed Product, or any product that would infringe at least one Valid Claim of a M Patent Right, which product, in each case, would be sold or transferred into the Territory. M agrees that it will include a provision in any contracts with its Sublicensees obligating such party to refrain from actions described in this Section 2.3(a). 


(b) Licensee A agrees that it shall not, and will cause its Affiliates to not, (i) offer to sell or otherwise provide Licensed Products to any Third Party if A or its relevant Affiliates, knows, or has reason to believe that the Licensed Product offered for sale, sold or provided to such Third Party would be, directly or indirectly, sold or transferred into North Korea or into South Korea; and (ii) use or practice under any intellectual property right licensed to it under this Agreement except as expressly permitted by this Agreement.  A agrees that it will include a provision in any contracts with its Sublicensees obligating such party to refrain from such actions described in Section 2.3(b)(i) and (ii).  


2.4 Reservation of Rights.  

(a) Notwithstanding Section 2.1 and Section 2.3, Licensor M shall retain the right to (i) Manufacture Licensed Products and supply such Licensed Products to A pursuant to the terms of the Supply Agreement, (ii) develop, manufacture, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export and otherwise commercialize the M Products anywhere in the world, (iii) subject to Section 2.5, develop, manufacture, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export and otherwise commercialize MT10 (but not any formulation thereof other than the lyophilized formulation of M’s proprietary 150kDa botulinum toxin type A product without human serum albumin) anywhere in the world either itself or through a Third Party, and (iv) develop, manufacture and use, sell, offer for sale, import, export and otherwise commercialize, under the M Know-How and M Patent Rights, any M Product that complies with cGMP (a “cGMP M Product”) anywhere in the world either by itself or through a Third Party; provided that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if M develops any cGMP M Product, M shall not, and shall not license, authorize or otherwise permit any Third Party to, at any time during the Term, (A) file for Regulatory Approval of a cGMP M Product in any country in the Territory as a “biosimilar” or a “follow-on biologic” or a “subsequent entry biologic” or other comparable term under applicable regulatory regimes in such country, or (B) market, promote, sell, offer for sale, import, export or otherwise commercialize a cGMP M Product anywhere in the United States or anywhere in Canada or in any Member country of the European Union.


(b) Notwithstanding Section 2.1 and Section 2.3, Licensor M shall retain the right to use, sell, offer for sale, import, export and otherwise Commercialize MT10 in Japan, but only in Japan and in no other country in the Territory; provided that (i) M and A shall be co-exclusive with respect to such activities with respect to MT10 in Japan, (ii) M may not sell, offer for sale or otherwise Commercialize either MT10 in Japan through any importer or distributor on a “named patient basis” or otherwise, and (iii) M shall have no right to grant sublicense rights to any Third Party with respect to MT10 in Japan but shall have the right to grant sublicense rights to an Affiliate of M in Japan; provided that, with respect to any such Affiliate, (A) M has a one hundred percent (100%) controlling interest over any decision regarding the sale or other distribution of products by such Affiliate and (B) no competitor of A has any control or equity interest in such Affiliate, in both (A) and (B), as of the effective date of such sublicense and remains so throughout the term of the sublicense. For purposes of clarification, in the event that M grants a sublicense to an Affiliate of M pursuant to (iii) above and, at any time after the effective date of the sublicense, either (1) M does not have a one hundred percent (100%) controlling interest over any decision regarding the sale or other distribution of products by such Affiliate or (2) a competitor of A acquires any control or equity interest in such Affiliate whether by, for example, investment, acquisition or merger, M agrees that such sublicense shall terminate. In connection with such M retained right, A agrees that it shall not sell, offer for sale or otherwise Commercialize either MT10 in Japan through any importer or distributor on a “named patient basis” or otherwise.   


2.5 Right of First Refusal. 

If Licensor M wishes to seek Regulatory Approval for and Commercialize MT10 with any Third Party, including without limitation by way of license, partnership, joint venture, collaboration, distribution or other similar relationship, Licensee A shall have a right of first refusal to obtain an exclusive (even as to M and its Affiliates) right and license to MT10 in the Territory.  M shall present to A, prior to any discussion with any Third Party, a complete data package summarizing all available data with respect to the MT10 program and a good faith proposal of terms and conditions for A to obtain an exclusive right and license to MT10, and the Parties shall comply with the procedure set forth in this Section 2.5. The Parties shall proceed promptly to negotiate the terms of a definitive agreement, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to do so within one hundred and twenty (120) days after initiating such negotiations. In the event that A and M have not agreed upon the material terms and conditions pursuant to which A would receive such a right and license to MT10 within such one hundred and twenty (120) day period after the initiation of discussions (the “ROFR Period”), M shall be free to discuss terms and conditions for the grant of rights and license with respect to MT10 with any Third Party; provided that the terms and conditions offered to the Third Party are not more favourable to such Third Party than those that have been offered to A.  If M has not entered into a definitive written agreement with a Third Party with respect to MT10 within nine (9) months after the later of (i) the date of the expiration of the ROFR Period and (ii) the date of the termination of the negotiations between M and A regarding the terms and conditions of a license to MT10, then M shall not offer to any Third Party any rights to MT10 unless and until M has first offered A a further right of first refusal to obtain such a license, which further right of first refusal shall operate in accordance with the terms of this Section 2.5. 


2.6 No Implied Rights or Licenses. 

Licensor M grants no additional rights or licenses in or to any Patent or other intellectual property right, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise, except to the extent expressly provided for under this Agreement.


KASAN_특허실시, 영업비밀, 기술이전 라이선스 및 생산공급 계약서에서 LICENSE GRANT 계약조항 샘플.pdf



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작성일시 : 2019. 5. 28. 13:04




10.1 Mutual Representations and Warranties. Licensor and Licensee (each, a “Representing Party”) each hereby represents and warrants to each other, as of the Effective Date and except as otherwise set forth in Schedule 10.2 (in the case of Licensor) and Schedule 10.3 (the case of Licensee), that:  


(a) such Representing Party is a corporation or limited liability company, as applicable, duly organized and subsisting under the laws of its jurisdiction of organization; 


(b) such Representing Party has the power, authority, and legal right, and is free, to enter into this Agreement on behalf of itself and its Affiliates and to perform its respective obligations hereunder and to cause its Affiliates to perform their respective obligations hereunder; 


(c) such Representing Party has the power, authority, and legal right to own and operate its property and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted and as it is contemplated to be conducted by this Agreement; 


(d) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation of such Representing Party and is enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to the effects of bankruptcy, insolvency, or other laws of general application affecting the enforcement of creditor rights and judicial principles affecting the availability of specific performance and general principles of equity, whether enforceability is considered a proceeding at law or equity; 


(e) the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of such Representing Party’s and its Affiliates’ obligations hereunder (i) have been duly authorized and approved by all necessary action by such Representing Party, and all necessary consents, approvals, and authorizations of all Regulatory Authorities and other Third Parties required to be obtained by such Representing Party in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of its obligations hereunder have been obtained; (ii) do not conflict with or violate any requirement of Applicable Laws or any provision of the articles of incorporation, bylaws, limited partnership agreement, or any similar instrument of such Representing Party, as applicable, in any material way; and (iii) do not, and will not, conflict with or otherwise interfere with in such a manner as to result in a violation, breach, or default under or require any consent that has not been obtained under any contract between such Representing Party and any Third Party; 


(f) there are no, and shall be no, liens, conveyances, mortgages, assignments, encumbrances, or other agreements that would prevent or impair such Representing Party’s or any of its Affiliates’ full and complete exercise of the terms and conditions of the Agreement; 


(g) such Representing Party and its Affiliates shall at all times comply with all Applicable Laws relating or pertaining to their obligations under the Agreement; 


(h) with respect to the services provided hereunder to the other Party, its Affiliates, and their respective employees, officers, contractors and agents who perform such services have the experience, capability, and resources to efficiently and skillfully perform the services, and shall perform, where applicable, all such services in a professional and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the generally accepted then-current standards, forms, procedures, and techniques established from time to time by the industry; 


(i) all of such Representing Party’s employees, officers, contractors, and consultants have executed agreements requiring assignment to such Representing Party of all inventions created by such persons in the course of their employment by such Representing Party and obligating each such employee, officer, contractor, and consultant to maintain and safeguard the confidentiality of (i) any information that is confidential to such Representing Party or (ii) any information that is confidential to any other Person and that such Representing Party is obligated to maintain and safeguard as confidential; and


(j) neither such Representing Party, nor any of its employees, officers, subcontractors, or consultants who have rendered or will render services relating to the Product: (i) has ever been debarred or is subject or debarment or convicted of a crime for which an entity or person could be debarred under 21 U.S.C. Section 335a or (ii) has ever been under indictment for a crime for which a person or entity could be debarred under said Section 335a. 


10.2 Additional Representations, Warranties, and Covenants of Licensor. Licensor hereby represents, warrants, and covenants to Licensee, as of the Effective Date and except as otherwise set forth in Schedule 10.2, that: 


(a) Licensor is entitled to grant the rights and licenses purported to be granted to Licensee under this Agreement, and to assign the rights purported to be assigned to Licensee under this Agreement, and is not currently bound by any agreement with any Third Party, or by any outstanding order, judgment, or decree of any court or administrative agency, that restricts it from granting to Licensee the rights, licenses and sublicenses purported to be so granted in this Agreement; 


(b) Licensor is the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title, and interest, in, to, and under the Licensed Rights and has the right under the Licensed CPEX Patent Rights and the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights to grant the sublicenses thereunder in accordance with Section 2.2; 


(c) the Licensed Rights are free and clear of any liens, charges, encumbrances, or judgments, and Licensor has sufficient rights to grant the licenses and rights purported to be granted herein, free and clear of any security interests, claims, encumbrances, or charges of any kind; 


(d) Licensor has not granted, and will not grant during the term of this Agreement, any right, option, license, or interest in or to any of the Licensed Rights that is in conflict with the rights assigned or granted to Licensee under this Agreement; 


(e) there is no legal, administrative, arbitration, or other proceeding, suit, claim, or action of any nature, judgment, decree, decision, injunction, writ, or order pending, or to Licensor’s knowledge threatened by, against or involving Licensor, regarding the Licensed Rights, whether at law or in equity, before or by any Third Party, and Licensor has not received any written communications alleging that it has violated, through the manufacture, Development, import, or other exploitation of the Product, any intellectual property rights of any Third Party; 


(f) to Licensor’s knowledge: 

(i) the patents in the issued Licensed Serenity Patent Rights, the Licensed CPEX Patent Rights, and the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights are valid and enforceable; and

(ii) no Third Party has asserted that any of the Licensed Rights or the Sublicensed Rights is invalid or unenforceable; 


(g) all applications, registrations, maintenance and renewal fees due in respect of any of the Licensed Serenity Patent Rights and, to Licensor’s knowledge, the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights and the Licensed CPEX Patent Rights, have been paid and all documents and certificates required to be filed with the relevant agencies for the purpose of maintaining such Licensed Serenity Patent Rights, and to Licensor’s knowledge, the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights and Licensed CPEX Patent Rights have been filed; 


(h) none of the Licensed Serenity Patent Rights, the Licensed Serenity Know-How and, to Licensor’s knowledge, none of the Licensed CPEX Patent Rights and the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights were developed with funding from any Governmental Authority such that any Governmental Authority has any march in rights or other rights to use the Licensed Serenity Patent Rights, the License Serenity Know-How, the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights, or the Licensed CPEX Patent Rights; 


(i) to Licensor’s knowledge, no Third Party has infringed or misappropriated any of the Licensed Rights or the Sublicensed Rights; 


(j) all inventors of any inventions included within the Licensed Serenity Patent Rights and, to the knowledge of Licensor, the Licensed CPEX Patent Rights and the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights have assigned their entire right, title, and interest in and to such inventions and the corresponding patents and patent applications to Licensor, Reprise, or CPEX, as applicable, and have been listed as inventors in the Licensed Serenity Patent Rights, the Licensed CPEX Patent Rights, and the Licensed Reprise Patent Rights, as applicable; 


(k) no agreements that Licensor or its Affiliates may have with any Third Party provide such Third Party with any rights of first offer, rights of first refusal, or any other rights to make, have made, use, conduct Clinical Studies for, sell, offer for sale, have sold, import, export, or otherwise Exploit the Product in the Field in the Territory or the right to use the Licensed Rights or the Sublicensed Rights in connection with the Exploitation of the Product in the Field in the Territory; and Licensor has received no notice from a Third Party of any suit, action, proceeding, or arbitration pending or threatened against it that the proposed terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the Parties’ performance in accordance therewith, do or shall conflict or interfere with in a manner resulting in a breach or default under, or other violation of, any agreements that Licensor or its Affiliates may have with any Third Party; 


to Licensor’s knowledge, (i) each of the CPEX License Agreement and the Reprise License Agreement is valid and enforceable in accordance with its terms, is in full force and effect, and there are no approvals or consents required to make it effective, (ii) Licensor has supplied Licensee with a true and correct copy of the CPEX License Agreement and the Reprise License Agreement , together with all amendments, waivers, or other changes thereto, (iii) Licensor has performed all material obligations required to be performed by it in connection with the CPEX License Agreement and the Reprise License Agreement, (iv) Licensor shall not materially breach and is not in material breach of the CPEX License Agreement or the Reprise License Agreement, (v) Licensor is not in receipt of any claim of default, cure notice, or show cause notice under the CPEX License Agreement or the Reprise License Agreement, and (vi) there is no current material breach or anticipated material breach by any other party to the CPEX License Agreement or the Reprise License Agreement; 



 (i) Licensor is the named sponsor of the First Approved NDA for the Product; and (ii) with respect to all Regulatory Documentation to obtain Regulatory Approvals for the Product in the Field: (A) the data, information and/or all other documents in Licensor’s or its Affiliates submissions were, are and shall be free from fraud or material falsity, and neither Licensor nor its Affiliates has made any material misrepresentation or omission in connection with such data; (B) the Regulatory Approvals have not been and will not be obtained either through bribery or the payment of illegal gratuities by Licensor; (C) the data, information and/or all other documents in Licensor’s or its Affiliates’ submissions are, were and shall be accurate and reliable for purposes of supporting approval of the submissions; and (D) the Regulatory Approvals shall be obtained without illegal or unethical behavior of any kind by Licensor or its Affiliates; provided that Licensor shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Section 10.2(m) if the violation of this Section 10.2(m) results from the action or omission of Licensee of Licensee’s Affiliates, Sublicensees, or contractors (other than Licensor); 


(n) Licensor believes in good faith, based on the information set forth in Schedule 10.2(n), that FDA will consider amending or supplementing the First Approved NDA (or the related IND) in the manner described in Schedule 10.2(n); provided, however, that Licensor cannot assure that FDA will approve such amendment or supplement. 


(o) except as expressly permitted hereunder, Licensor agrees not to, and agrees to cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees not to (i) assign, transfer, convey or otherwise encumber any right, title or interest in or to the Licensed Rights, the Sublicensed Rights, or any Regulatory Approvals and Documentation in respect of the Product, (ii) grant in any manner any license or other right, title or interest in or to any of the Licensed Rights, the Sublicensed Rights, or the Regulatory Approvals and Documentation in respect of the Product, or (iii) agree to or otherwise become bound by any covenant not to sue for any infringement, misuse or other action or inaction with respect to any of the Licensed Rights, the Sublicensed Rights, or the Regulatory Approvals and Documentation in respect of the Product; and


(p) other than the CPEX License Agreement, the Reprise License Agreement, the Renaissance Supply Agreements, and the other Third Party Supply Agreements, Licensor and/or its Affiliates have not entered into any agreements with any Third Party, pursuant to which any Third Party has granted to Licensor, or Licensor has granted to any Third Party, any rights to licenses to, in or under any of the Licensed Rights or the Sublicensed Rights or other intellectual property rights that relate to the Product, or relating to the manufacture of the Product.


10.3 Additional Representations, Warranties, and Covenants of Licensee. Licensee hereby represents, warrants, and covenants to Licensor, as of the Effective Date and except as otherwise stated in Schedule 10.3, that: 


(a) if, during the term of this Agreement Licensee has reason to believe that it or any of its employees, officers, subcontractors, or consultants rendering services relating to the Product: (i) is or will be debarred or convicted of a crime under 21 U.S.C. Section 335a, or (ii) is or will be under indictment under said Section 335a, then Licensee shall immediately notify Licensor in writing; 


 (b) as of the Effective Date, there is no legal, administrative, arbitration, or other proceeding, suit, claim, or action of any nature, judgment, decree, decision, injunction, writ, or order pending or, to the knowledge of Licensee’s senior management, threatened by, against Licensee regarding this Agreement, whether at law or in equity, before or by any Third Party; and Licensee shall provide notice of any of the foregoing to the extent it affects Licensee’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement; 


(c) except for information provided by Licensor, its Affiliates or Sublicensees: (i) the data and information in Licensee’s submissions and modifications of Regulatory Documentation relating to the Product shall be free from fraud or material falsity; (ii) Regulatory Approvals for the Product hereafter obtained will not be obtained either through bribery or the payment of illegal gratuities by Licensee; (iii) the data and information in Licensee’s submissions and modifications of any Regulatory Documentation shall be accurate and reliable; and (iv) any such the Regulatory Approvals will be obtained without illegal or unethical behavior of any kind by Licensee; provided that Licensee shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Section 10.3(c) if the violation of this Section 10.3(c) results from the action or omission of Licensor or its Affiliates, Sublicensees (other than Licensee), or contractors; and


(d) except as expressly permitted hereunder, Licensee agrees not to, and agrees to cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees not to (i) assign, transfer, convey or otherwise encumber any right, title or interest in or to the Licensed Rights, the Sublicensed Rights, or any Regulatory Approvals and Documentation in respect of the Product, (ii) grant in any manner any license or other right, title or interest in or to any of the Licensed Rights, the Sublicensed Rights, or the Regulatory Approvals and Documentation in respect of the Product, (iii) agree to or otherwise become bound by any covenant not to sue for any infringement, misuse or other action or inaction with respect to any of the Licensed Rights, the Sublicensed Rights, or the Regulatory Approvals and Documentation in respect of the Product, or (iv) bring any action or proceeding or otherwise assert any claim under any Applicable Law in the event any licensee (or sublicensee or any entity or person acting on its behalf) initiates any proceeding or otherwise assert any claim in any court, administrative agency, or other forum with jurisdiction over such proceeding or claim, that any of the Licensed Rights or Sublicensed Rights are invalid, unenforceable, or not infringed, violated, or misappropriated. In the event that Licensee or any Affiliate or Sublicensee of Licensee initiates any proceeding or otherwise asserts any claim in violation of clause (iv) of this Section 10.3, and the result thereof is a final decision, ruling, holding, award, or other disposition to the effect that any of the Licensed Rights or Sublicensed Rights are valid, enforceable, or infringed, violated, or misappropriated, then each of the royalty rates set forth in the table in Section 8.3(a) will each be increased by [***] and the party initiating such proceeding or otherwise asserting such claim shall pay the attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred by Licensor in defending against such proceeding or claim.


10.4 Inaccuracies. Without limiting either Party’s rights and remedies at law, in equity or under this Agreement, if, at any point in time (not just at the times when the warranties are deemed granted), either Party becomes aware of any inaccuracies in the foregoing warranties and representations, such Party shall promptly notify the other Party of such inaccuracies, with a detailed written explanation.


KASAN_기술이전, 특허 라이선스 계약서에서 진술 및 보증조항 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 계약조항 샘플.pdf


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작성일시 : 2019. 5. 20. 16:19